24.09.2018 | Китайська стратегія, збройні сили та економіка: дані співпраці, конкуренції та/або конфлікту
Ентоні Кордесмен - CSIS

China’s actions, and its rapid emergence as a major regional military power, has led the U.S. to focus its military and strategic planning on China as one of two critical threats. Along with Russia, China has become the central focus of U.S. security planning in both the new National Security Strategy (NSS) issued by the President in December 2017, and in the new National Defense Strategy (NDS) issued by the Secretary of Defense in early 2018.

The Burke Chair at CSIS is issuing a new analysis entitled Chinese Strategy, Military Forces, and Economics: The Metrics of Cooperation, Competition and/or Conflict.

The analysis provides an introductory summary of the new U.S. strategy, and a survey of the metrics that help illustrate the changes in China’s overall global position, military forces, and power projection capabilities. It draws on official U.S. reporting by the U.S. Department of Defense and Department of Energy, reporting by the Japanese Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Defense of Taiwan, reporting by CSIS, the Congressional Research Service, IISS, SIPRI and a wide range of other think tanks, and on various media reports.

The wide range of sources help illustrate the complex relationships that are shaping China’s emergence as a major global military and economic power. The report also draws heavily on official Chinese reporting, and particularly on the May 2018 edition of the Department of Defense’s Military and Security Developments Involving the Republic of China, Annual Report to Congress.

Повний текст доповідь за адресою: https://bit.ly/2MKV9zf


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