11.12.2017 | Один Альянс: майбутні завдання для адаптованого Альянсу
Автори - GLOBSEC

GLOBSEC is delighted to present the Final Report and Recommendations of the GLOBSEC NATO Adaptation Initiative (GNAI). It provides the detailed recommendations of the GNAI Steering Committee and is the culmination of 15 months of vigorous and detailed policy analysis. The Initiative is also the biggest project of its kind following the 2016 Warsaw NATO Summit and comes against the backdrop of the 50th anniversary of the ground-breaking Harmel Report.

Led by General (Retd.) John R. Allen (former Commander of ISAF Afghanistan), the GNAI Steering Committee is made up of renowned experts from academic, military and political circles, namely:

Ambassador Alexander Vershbow (former Deputy Secretary General of NATO)
Professor Dr. Julian Lindley-French (Vice President of the Atlantic Treaty Association)
Admiral (Retd.) Giampaolo di Paola (former Chairman of the NATO Military Committee)
General (Retd.) Wolf Langheld (formed Commander of NATO Allied Joint Force)
Ambassador Tomáš Valášek (Director of Carnegie Europe)
The Committee advocates concrete recommendations with regards to:

increasing the level of NATO military ambition – concentrating on all NATO’s non-nuclear conventional forces, including cyber and emerging technologies
building NATO’s counter-terrorism capabilities, striking a new balanced engagement with Russia, reassuring Eastern European nations seeking freedom and democracy that NATO retains an interest in their stability and security
developing a mutually beneficial partnership with the European Union and facilitating closer practical cooperation on matters of shared concern, while establishing more efficient financial burden-sharing on both sides of the Atlantic.

You can download the GLOBSEC NATO Adaptation Initiative Final Report at



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